What is Youth Development?
Youth Development is a variety of many components into one. It is fostering purposeful conversations with young people in a way that they understand and in a way where they can make meaning of those conversations on their own terms. Youth development is not cut and dry, and focuses on leading with you and providing safe spaces for youth to express themselves and their views. Every component of youth work is purposeful both for the youth worker and the youth themselves. There is a concept called "leading with", and this gives youth work much meaning. Leading with teaches young people that they matter and their voices matter no matter where they come from, what their race is, what their religion is or what their sexual orientation or identity is. Youth workers lead with youth in ways that challenge their development and fosters meaningful relationships.
hey girl hey! totally agree and I love how you talked a lot about leading with. Leading with was one of my favorite YDEV anchors and I really enjoyed all that you discussed within this anchor!